Welcome to the aalammgadgets.com website and co-branded versions of the website located at URLs that resolve to the domain name Aalamm Gadgets (the “Website” or “Site”). As you have no doubt experienced with virtually all websites, your use of this site, is subject to certain terms and conditions of use (collectively “terms”) set forth below. These terms are important for both you and us as they create a legally binding agreement between us, protecting your rights as a valued customer and our rights as a business. Please read these terms carefully before using and/or placing an order from this website.
By using this site, , you accept these terms, the Aalam Gadgets general terms and conditions and our privacy policy without any reservations or qualifications, and you agree to be bound by these terms. This includes, without limitation, accepting the terms relating to binding arbitration, waiver of the right to class action, dispute resolution (if applicable) disclaimer of warranties, damage and remedy exclusions and limitations. If you do not agree to these terms or our privacy policy, whether in whole or in part, please do not use the site or any of the services provided on the site, or place an order from the site or the mobile app.
You agree that any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the Terms,, the Site, the Privacy Policy, and/or the Aalamm Gadgets Services shall be settled by mutual understanding with a final decision from Aalamm Gadgets as binding.
- You may only use the Website to make legitimate inquiries or orders.
- You will not make any speculative, false or fraudulent orders. If we are reasonably of the opinion that such an order has been made, we shall be entitled to cancel the order and inform the relevant authorities.
- You also agree to provide correct and accurate email, postal and/or other contact details to us and acknowledge that we may use these details to contact you in the event that this should prove necessary (see our Privacy Policy for more information on how we use your personal information).
- If you do not give us all of the information that we need, we may not be able to complete your order.
- You will not attempt to interfere or interfere in any way with the Site’s network, the Mobile App’s network, or our networks, or related network security, or attempt to use the Site’s or Mobile App’s service to gain unauthorized access to any other computer system.
- You will not use the Site or Mobile App to communicate, transmit, or post material that infringes on the intellectual property, privacy or publicity right of another person or entity.
- You will not use the Site or Mobile App to engage in conduct that would constitute a civil or criminal offense, or that otherwise violates any national or international law or regulation.
- By placing an order through the Website or Mobile App, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old and are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.
All orders for products are subject to availability and in this regard, in the event of supply difficulties or because products are no longer in stock, we reserve the right to give you information about substitute products of an equal or higher quality and value which you can order. In case of prepaid payments, If you do not wish to order such substitute products, we will refund any monies that you might have paid.
We reserve the right to withdraw any product from the Website at any time and/or remove or edit any materials or content on the Website . While we will make reasonable efforts to process all orders, there may be exceptional circumstances that may require us to refuse to process an order after we have sent you an Order Confirmation; and we reserve the right to refuse to process an order at any time, at our sole discretion.